On leftovers going bad
How long would you eat leftovers that have been properly stored in your fridge? Like if you had a roast chicken or something at what point would you stop eating it?
That leftover roast chicken hit different. I’ll tear a hunk of white meat from the carcass with my grubby fingernails and toss it back before the chill from the fridge even reaches me.
To answer your question: I keep leftovers for 1 week. I don’t even have to caveat that recommendation because you already qualified these leftovers as “properly stored”. I like you. Please submit more questions.
If you think that’s too long to be eating leftovers, consider this: “1 week” is the official rule for how long New York delis can store prepared food (e.g. leftovers) before they have to stop selling them. If the state health agency says “7 days” then you can be assured that they’re erring on the safe side. You can also be assured that delis are erring on the negligent side. What I’m trying to say is that the meatballs in your corner-store meatball sub are no less than 7 weeks old. Maybe you should stick with higher-turnover sandwich meats.
Be like Homer. Reheat your leftovers until they are stupid hot.
What’s important with leftovers is that your fridge is cold enough (< 41º F). It’s also a good idea to heat leftovers until they’re piping hot but I don’t always take this advice, especially when it comes to roast chicken.